2020 Annual Report

Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

In the normal course of business, the Company enters into various transactions to meet the financing needs of clients, which, in accordance with GAAP, are not included in the consolidated balance sheets. These transactions include commitments to extend credit, standby letters of credit, and commercial letters of credit, which involve, to varying degrees, elements of credit risk and interest rate risk in excess of the amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheets. Most of these commitments mature within two years and the standby letters of credit are expected to expire without being drawn upon. All off-balance sheet commitments are included in the determination of the amount of risk- based capital that the Company and the Bank are required to hold. The Company’s exposure to credit loss in the event of non-performance by the other party to the financial instrument for commitments to extend credit, standby letters of credit, and commercial letters of credit is represented by the contractual or notional amount of those instruments. The Company decreases its exposure to losses under these commitments by subjecting them to credit approval and monitoring procedures. The Company assesses the credit risk associated with certain commitments to extend credit and establishes a liability for probable credit losses. (dollars in thousands) Unfunded Commitments Under Lines of Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 243,988 $ 400,350 $ 181,622 $ 319,340 Letters of Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,954 79,252 17,503 61,722 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 254,942 $ 479,602 $ 199,125 $ 381,062 Commitments to extend credit beyond current funding are agreements to lend to a customer as long as there is no violation of any condition established in the contract. Such commitments generally have fixed expiration dates or other termination clauses and may require payment of a fee. Since many of the commitments may expire without being drawn upon, the total commitment amounts do not necessarily represent future cash requirements. We evaluate each customer’s creditworthiness on a case-by-case basis. The amount of collateral obtained, if deemed necessary by us upon extension of credit, is based on our management’s credit evaluation. Collateral held varies but may include accounts receivable, inventory, property, plant and equipment, and income-producing commercial properties. Standby letters of credit are conditional commitments issued by us to guarantee the performance of a customer to a third party. Those guarantees are primarily issued to support public and private borrowing arrangements, including commercial paper, bond financing, and similar transactions. Commercial letters of credit are issued specifically to facilitate trade or commerce and are paid directly when the underlying transaction is consummated. The credit risk involved in issuing letters of credit is essentially the same as that involved in extending loan facilities to customers. The Company had outstanding letters of credit with the FHLB in the amount of $60,091 and $108,502 at December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively, on behalf of customers and to secure public deposits. Liquidity Liquidity is the Company’s capacity to meet cash and collateral obligations at a reasonable cost. Maintaining an adequate level of liquidity depends on the Company’s ability to efficiently meet both expected and unexpected cash flows and collateral needs without adversely affecting either daily operations or financial condition. The Bank’s ALM Committee, which is comprised of members of senior management, is responsible for managing commitments to meet the needs of customers while achieving the Company’s financial objectives. The ALM Committee meets regularly to review balance sheet composition, funding capacities, and current and forecasted loan demand. The following table presents credit arrangements and financial instruments whose contract amounts represent credit risk as of December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019: December 31, 2020 December 31, 2019 Fixed Variable Fixed Variable

The Company manages liquidity by maintaining adequate levels of cash and other assets from on- and off- balance sheet arrangements. Specifically, on-balance sheet liquidity consists of cash and due from banks and unpledged


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